Please take note on the important information below.
- If you are not ready or will not be available to receive your order within the next 24-72 hrs depending on your location or will be travelling within the speculated time frame. You can save our contact and reach out to us whenever you're available. There's no need to fill the order form.
- If the money to pay for the item is not currently available. You can reach out to us via WhatsApp and order when you're ready to make a purchase. We'll be glad to attend to you anytime.
- If you do not pick calls from strange numbers or reply text messages. It will be difficult to reach you, so you can reach out to us and inform us on the best way to reach you to deliver your order or you can make an exception to pick calls during the period your item would be delivered to you.
- It really cost us a lot to send an item out to any location, so it would not be fair to get a failed delivery especially if you know your are currently not ready.
Now that we have agreed on that, you can now fill the order form if you're ready to make a purchase. We are happy to take your order.
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